Isabella Ciccone, Associate Editor, NeurologyLive®, has been with the team since September 2022. Follow her on Twitter @iciccone7 or email her at
Ketogenic Diet Results in Reduced Weight, Fatigue, and Depression in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
October 5th 2022In a recent phase 2 study, 6-months of ketogenic diet for people with relapsing multiple sclerosis resulted in a significant reduction in weight, fatigue, and depression, and improved quality of life.
Nonpharmacologic Interventions Improve Sleep Time in Hospitalized Patients
October 3rd 2022Findings from a nonrandomized controlled trial in the Netherlands suggest that sleep time of hospitalized patients may be significantly improved with nonpharmacologic interventions such as the postponement of morning vital sign checks and medication administration rounds from the night to the day shift.
Electroacupuncture for Insomnia Significantly Improves Quality of Sleep in Patients With Depression
September 30th 2022In a randomized clinical trial, the application of electroacupuncture treatment for insomnia in patients with depression significantly improved the quality of sleep in comparison with sham acupuncture or the control group.
Sleep Breathing Disorders Appear Common for Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
September 30th 2022A questionnaire-based study from Saudi Arabia on sleep quality revealed that sleep-related disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, are relatively common in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Diagnosis of Myotonic Dystrophy Demonstrates an Association With Depression
September 29th 2022Findings from a cross-sectional survey revealed a significant association between depression and a diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy, and that symptoms impacting quality of life are more common in neuromuscular disorders.
Eplontersin Treatment Results in Reduction in Serum Transthyretin in Amyloidosis
September 23rd 2022Eplontersen treatment resulted in a significant reduction in transthyretin, neuropathy impairment, and improvement in quality of life in the phase 3 NEURO-TTRansform study of patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis.
Endovascular Therapy Shows Better Functional Outcomes for Acute Stroke
September 21st 2022A trial conducted in Japan showed better functional outcomes for patients with large cerebral infarctions treated with endovascular therapy than those treated with medical care alone, but had more intracranial hemorrhages.
Remote Yoga Program Feasible and Benefits Individuals with Functional Neurological Disorder
September 17th 2022Danielle Kipnis, MA, of Columbia University, discussed key components of a yoga program for individuals with functional neurological disorder and from the evaluation, found it feasibility as an intervention.