Here's what is coming soon to NeurologyLive.
Every week, the NeurologyLive staff prepares this preview of what to expect from our coverage. This week on NeurologyLive, there are a number of hot topics that we will be posting throughout the week. As always, our weekly coverage extends beyond just these topics, so make sure to check out the rest of the site!
Click through the slides below to see what you can expect from our team this week:
Recognize and celebrate the individuals who have achieved landmark successes within multiple sclerosis! Giants of Multiple Sclerosis™ is a premier neuroscience award that celebrates pioneers, innovators, and future generations of leaders who have been selected by their peers for their remarkable achievements in Multiple Sclerosis.
More information will be announced at a welcome reception during the 2021 Consortium of MS Centers Annual Meeting.
Aren't registered for the 2021 CMSC Annual Meeting? Register now.