Matt Hoffman, Editorial Director for NeurologyLive, has covered medical news for MJH Life Sciences, NeurologyLive’s parent company, since 2017. He executive produces the NeurologyLive Mind Moments® podcast, and hosted the Medical World News show Deep Dive. Follow him on Twitter @byMattHoffman or email him at
Early Focal Epilepsy Identification May Prevent Injury Pre-Diagnosis
October 20th 2020For those with nonmotor seizures at onset who developed seizures with motor involvement later, the median number of days to diagnosis from motor symptom onset was only 13 days, compared to 616 days for the overall nonmotor group.
Sodium Oxybate Oral Solution Proves Positive in Topline Hypersomnia Data
October 15th 2020The recently approved oral solution, known as JZP-28 (Xywav), was associated with clinically meaningful improvements in Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Patient Global Impression of Change, and Idiopathic Hypersomnia Severity Scale scores.
FDA Issues Discipline Review Letter for ADAM Zolmitriptan NDA in Acute Migraine
October 1st 2020Zosano Pharma noted that the DRL does not reflect the final FDA decision on the application, though the approval of zolmitriptan by its PDUFA action date of October 20, 2020, is no longer likely as a result.
Transient Orthostatic Hypotension Appears Common in Parkinson Disease
September 30th 2020The investigators noted that continuous non-invasive blood pressure monitoring upon standing may aid in the identification of a modifiable risk factor for syncope-related falls in patients with Parkinson disease.
Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction Linked to More Neurological Deterioration
September 29th 2020Post hoc analysis of the ATACH-II trial suggest that intensive lowering of systolic blood pressure in individuals with initial levels ≥220 mmHg increases the rate of neurological deterioration over 24 hours.