Isabella Ciccone, Associate Editor, NeurologyLive®, has been with the team since September 2022. Follow her on Twitter @iciccone7 or email her at
Study Reveals Significant Up-Regulation of Potentially Disease-Specific Long Noncoding RNAs in NMOSD
January 23rd 2024In a recent study, investigators observed a substantial up-regulation of long noncoding RNAs among patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in comparison with heathy individuals.
FGF14 GAA Repeat Expansions Frequency Shows an Association With Ataxia Syndromes
January 20th 2024In a study cohort, investigators observed the frequency of FGF14 GAA repeat expansions in 17 patients, prompting the inclusion of GAA-FGF14-related disease in the differential diagnosis of ataxia related syndromes.
Dual-Task Training Improves Balance in Pediatric Ataxia Following Medulloblastoma Resection
January 19th 2024A recent study demonstrated the superior efficacy of a dual-task training program over traditional physical therapy in improving balance and cognitive function in pediatric patients with ataxia following medulloblastoma resection.
A Clinical Preview of 2024 for Headache and Migraine: Brian Grosberg, MD, FAHS
January 19th 2024The director of the Hartford healthcare Headache Center in Connecticut shared his and colleagues' thoughts on potential therapies that expand management care options for patients with migraine. [WATCH TIME: 7 minutes]
FDA Grants Approval of Darmiyan's BrainSee Test for Predicting Progression of Alzheimer Disease
January 16th 2024The newly FDA-approved AI-powered software platform BrainSee utilizes brain MRI and cognitive assessments to reportedly predict the progression of amnestic mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer disease in 5 years.
Latest Updates in Lab-Based Blood Tests for Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis
January 10th 2024Beth McQuiston, MD, RD, neurologist and medical director at Abbott, discussed the latest developments in traumatic brain injury, such as Abbott’s lab-based blood tests, as well as upcoming publications and guidelines to help with diagnosis.
Study Reveals Reasons for Increased Hospital Readmission Rates in NMOSD
January 9th 2024A recent study identified specific risk factors influencing readmission odds in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, contributing valuable insights for predictive algorithms and improved patient outcomes.
Susceptibility-Based Imaging Accurately Differentiates Pediatric-Onset MS From MOGAD
January 6th 2024A recent study revealed that susceptibility-based imaging can effectively differentiate pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis from pediatric myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease.
Consensus Statement Advocates for Immediate Change to Intracerebral Hemorrhage Protocol
January 4th 2024An international consortium of clinicians recommended evidence-based guidelines for intracerebral hemorrhage, in which early intervention, bundled care, and time-based metrics substantially improve neurological outcomes.
Study Reveals Negative Feedback Can Impair Learning in Patients With Sleep Disorders
January 2nd 2024A recent study on narcolepsy type 1 and central disorders of hypersomnolence showed that patients exhibited decreased learning abilities in response to negative feedback, suggesting a link between altered decision-making and vigilance disruptions.
Considerations and Opportunities With Approval of Eplontersen for Hereditary ATTR Polyneuropathy
December 22nd 2023Sami Khella, MD, professor of clinical neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, shared his reaction to the approval of eplontersen for the treatment of hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloid polyneuropathy.