Every Wednesday, NeurologyLive®'s NeuroVoices series features in-depth, exclusive conversations with a wide variety of experts in the care and management of patients with neurologic diseases about a range of topics in clinical care and therapeutic development.
NeuroVoices: Brian Wainger, MD, PhD, on Ezogabine and Stem Cells in ALS
December 23rd 2020The assistant professor of neurology and anesthesiology at Harvard Medical School detailed the findings of a phase 2 trial using ezogabine, a drug once FDA-approved to treat epilepsy, in patients with ALS.
NeuroVoices: Christian Meisel, MD, PhD, on Forecasting Seizures
December 9th 2020Christian Meisel, MD, PhD, department of neurology, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, discussed the landscape for devices that forecast seizures, including the use of multi-modal wristband sensors.
NeuroVoices: Michael Okun, MD, on Reforming the Device Approval Process
November 25th 2020Michael Okun, MD, executive director of the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases sat down to discuss his viewpoint paper on changing the approval system for neurotechnological devices in rare diseases.