Joseph Sullivan, MD: The Benefits of Fenfluramine Treatment in Dravet Syndrome
December 12th 2019The professor of neurology and pediatrics and director of the Pediatric Epilepsy Center at the University of California, San Francisco, discussed his personal experience with fenfluramine and the advantages that the drug may present when treating patients with Dravet syndrome.
Early Treatment With Responsive Neurostimulation Linked to Improved Quality of Life and Mood
December 10th 2019Patients treated with NeuroPace’s Responsive Neurostimulation system within 20 years of epilepsy onset were observed to have significantly better outcomes related to several aspects of quality of life and mood compared to those treated later.
Elizabeth Thiele, MD, PhD: CBD Shows Low-Dose Efficacy and Safety in TSC
December 10th 2019The director of pediatric epilepsy and the Herscot Center for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex at Massachusetts General Hospital, and professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School spoke to the safety outcomes from GWPCARE6 and CBD’s low-dose efficacy.
Aimee W. Smith, PhD: Addressing Quality of Life In Epilepsy
December 9th 2019The assistant professor of psychology at East Carolina University offered insight about the resources are available to physicians and providers and what techniques can be useful to help patients have a better quality of life in light of refractory and uncontrolled seizures.
Sumeet Vadera, MD: The Consequences of Forgoing Epilepsy Surgery
December 9th 2019The director of epilepsy surgery and associate professor of neurosurgery at UC Irvine spoke about the consequences of patients choosing to forgo beneficial surgery and the importance of communication between surgeon and epileptologist.
NeuroPace RNS System Shows Continued Success in Interim Post-Approval Results
December 9th 2019Interim analysis of a 5-year, post-approval study of the NeuroPace Responsive Neurostimulation system support prior findings that the device is safe and effective in reducing medically intractable focal seizures in adults.
Telemedicine Feasible For Large-Scale Use in Epilepsy
December 8th 2019A single-center study of more than 3600 virtual visits displayed a high level of satisfaction from patients regarding their experience with telemedicine and their providers, suggesting the practice may be ready for large-scale use.
Sumeet Vadera, MD: Barriers to Getting Patients to Epilepsy Surgery
December 8th 2019The director of epilepsy surgery and associate professor of neurosurgery at UC Irvine discussed the challenges he has encountered in getting patients with epilepsy to undergo beneficial procedures, often due to misinformation.
Elizabeth Thiele, MD, PhD: GWPCARE6 Trial of CBD in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
December 8th 2019The director of pediatric epilepsy and the Herscot Center for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex at Massachusetts General Hospital, and professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School discussed the findings of the GWPCARE6 trial of cannabidiol.
Breastfeeding Rates Are Lower Among Women With Epilepsy
December 8th 2019Despite evidence of the benefits and safety of breastfeeding in women with epilepsy, 2 studies suggest this population breastfeeds significantly less often than women without epilepsy, due to fears of drug exposure or recommendations against the practice.
James Wheless, MD: Treating Seizure Clusters With Midazolam
December 8th 2019The professor and chief of pediatric neurology, and director of the comprehensive epilepsy program and neuroscience institute at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital offered insight into his experience with midazolam and its potential to play a vital role in treating seizure clusters.